Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Lessons

Yesterday I decided I needed to let my 3 little boys make their own decisions. I really struggle with getting them to claen up after themselves. I was fixing dinner and I told them they needed to clean up the mess they made in the family room. I also told them they would not be eating until it was cleaned up. I figured if they went to bed with hungry tummies maybe lesson learned? Well it took 2 hours for them to clean up the mess. Well, Spencer never did help. He kept asking for dinner and I kept redirecting him to the mess. At one point he sat at the table and made goo goo eyes at me trying to soften me up. (Do you think he knows I have a soft spot for him?) Anyway at this point I am trying to conceal the fact that I am busting up inside. I tell him he still needs to help clean up the mess. Without skipping a beat his face turns to anger and says to me, "I'm not going to be your friend anymore!" My 2 1/2 year old said this!!! Do these things just keep happening earlier and earlier??? I looked at him, told him I loved hom and that he still needed to pick up the toys. For the first time I don't think I was his favorite person!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Potty training is "Beautiful"!

NOTE: The content of this material may be a little too descriptive for those that are week in the stomach.

So I thought what better day than today to start potty training. Spencer has been wanting to for some time, but with all the other kids home and no schedule that I just couldn't keep up on it.

Today is the day! We are sitting down to lunch and I think to myself, "Oh yea, I haven't put him on the potty in awhile." I do a quick check before I pull the pants down ( no surprises please). I see a skid mark in his pants. So, this will be a number 2 and 1 trip to the potty. No problem! So, we are sitting on the potty and he is trying to push it out. You know how they sit and look because they have to see what they are working so hard to accomplish. Remember I told you this was a little descriptive! Anyway he is lookin' and he is pushin' and the little tiniest bit comes out. He looks up at me with a huge smile and says, "BEAUTIFUL!" Need I say any more? How cute is that???? I'm sure this won't be the only potty training documentation that you may read, but I will always give you fair warning before you sit down to read it!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Wednesday my friend Kara and I took our little boys to Disneyland. We left after the BIG kids went to school and tried our very best to be back before school was out. (Thanks Lynnley for backing me up!) The boys had a blast and I am hoping this will be a monthly event!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just about caught up

So, this is what happens when you are just crazy busy in DO NOT update your blog. I just did a ton of posts about what has been happening in our life during our time off track and the holidays. We have also been down to one computer and it is a fight to see who gets to it first. Somehow I always loose. I have also been busy, because I got a new calling. I am the first counsiler in the primary presidency. So, if any of you have any great ideas on scouting, primary program and fun sharing time ideas, please, please, please pass them on to me. I served once in the primary for about 4 months teaching and I have subbed here and there. I am TOTALLY clueless, but I am excited. I just love kids and I love to see their excitement for learning. We have a GREAT president and the other counsiler just happens to be my good friend too! We will be spending a lot of time togehter. Anyway, here is to a new year!

Christmas day

Every year on Christmas morning Craig makes the kids sit on the couch and listen to the story of Christmas while they are starring at ALL of their presents. I tell him each year he that maybe they will listen better if we chose to do it a different time other than right then. I think he just likes to torcher them!
We had my 2 brothers and their wives and my sister all at my house for Christmas this year. We did the same last year and decided that maybe this might be a new tradition. It was a fairly small Christmas for us this year. We chose to get the kids Disneyland passes. So, besides clothes and the gift Santa brings that was it! All in all I think it was fun. Besides it really is about spending time with your family and giving not receiving.

Zach is thinking please talk faster dad!!!
I just have to post this. Sorry it is in 2 videos, but my finger slipped off the button. We made a scavenger hunt for the passes. They thought it was fun!

Christmas Eve

It is tradition for Craig's mom to have a whole day of Christmas Eve. We always go to the movies, have an early dinner, and then Papa Rees plays the guitar while we sing Christmas carols, and then we get to open our jammies and other fun things. We always have so much fun and Cathy always makes everything so beautiful. The kids look forward to it every year! Craig's dad brought these head bands for them to wear while we sing. They all played a tune.

Happy birthday

Aunt Staci's birthday was also on the 19th. We had a brunch for her the following day at my house. Here she is with her fruit pizza for her cake. We love you aunt Staci!!! Happy 18th!

Ward Christmas party

I know this is alot, but that is what happens when you are a slacker like me. Our ward Christmas party was on Dec. 19th. They did a wonderful job! This is just a quick picture of the kids with santa.

Mommy and BIG kids date

My friend thought it would be fun to take our older two kids to see High School Musical on ice. The day we were supposed to go she got a call saying the performance was cancelled!!! So, what do we do??? We go to the Mission Inn and see their amazing display of Christmas lights, take a carriage ride, have yummy hot donuts, and drink hot chocolate. We had a blast!

The dentist....

In an effort to try and save time all 6 of us go to the dentist at the same time. This was Eli's first trip to the dentist. He did GREAT!!! Hey and NO cavities for him! Matthew on the other hand had to get his first filling that day. We also had to go back to fix a cracked filling (Zach) and Allison had a cavity and sealants put on her molars. Hopefully that will help the dental bills! Always a fun experience at the dentist!

The light was to bright for her, so they gave her these glasses.

Christmas traditions

And what is my Christmas tradition you ask??? Baking. It all started some years ago when Craig wanted to give all his employees Christmas presents. Me being the financial sound one said there is no way we can afford that!! So, I came up with the idea that I would bake for all of them. It is funny, each year I bake more and more. I just can't seem to stop. I see all these fun recipes and I have to try all of them! So, you are all the first to see what no other man has been allowed to see. My kitchen while in the midst of baking. This year I made 12 different kinds of cookies, 5 different breads, and 7 different types of candy. The end result was 42 plates of goodies. Not bad in 2 1/2 days work! Thanks you again to my sister who has come to help me just about every year! I could NEVER do it alone!

This is some of the plates Craig took to work.

I set up tables in my garage to let them all cool.

The messy kitchen!

Christmas Fun

Thanks to grandma Nana the kids all had their own ginger bread house to make. I tried last year to make one from scratch and it just did not happen. This was definitely the better way to go. Spencer missed out on the fun. When you are cranky you just get to go to bed. (Gee I wish that rule pertained to mommy!) Th kids had fun making and then eating their creations. Oh, I almost forgot...thank you aunt Staci for your help!