Monday, January 18, 2010

More rain

As you can tell I had my friends 3 boys today and she had Allison. Actually we swapped kids for a sleep over. Well, we had to do the exchange today in the middle of all this bad weather. There have been a few times where I have had to drive in bad weather and this ranks up with those few. I got in the car and said a quick prayer that she and I would make it to our meeting spot and back home safely. I then called to tell her we were on our way. She said to me drive safely and I responded with, "Oh, I will and I have already said a prayer". I then told her to do the same. Honestly, I don't think I have ever been so scared. Not only do I have most of my precious cargo, but hers too. I gripped the steering wheel so tight and off I went. There were times the freeway was so flooded that as I crept through the water as it splashed above my van. I never went over 45 for fear that I would hit another bad spot and spin out. And during this whole time I kept on repeating my prayer over and over. We made it to the meeting spot and then it was time to go home. The drive home was totally different. There was one really flooded area and that was it. The rain had stopped (keep in mind it has been pouring since noon) and the sun came out. At one point it actually became so bright that I had to reach for my sunglasses. This is when my daughter says, "It has stopped raining and the sun is coming out." My 9 year old son replies with, "That is because mom said a prayer." These are the moments I am most grateful for. Even as I type this tears form in my eyes. I realize that I could have had a teaching moment with my children and we could all have said the prayer together. However, I am grateful that he did over hear me say that I had said that prayer. I am grateful for the power of prayer and that my 9 year old has a testimony of prayer. I am also extremely grateful that I made it home to record this moment forever.

It's great to be 8

I was in charge of the refreshment again this year for our Great to be 8. Since last years cake was a HUGE success they asked for another one. If you remember last year Zach told me the finished product looked like the mushroom from super mario bros. This year my mother in law thought it was a snow man! I just laugh and hope that next year it will look more like an "8". Maybe I should cut the centers out??? Anyway here it is.

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It's raining, it's pouring

What do you do when there is no school, you have 7 boys and 1 girl at your house, and it is raining cats and dogs outside...You put up a tent in the garage and let the good times roll. I did have to draw the line when they started taking my couch pillows out there, but everything else was fair game. I have to admit, not a bad idea and I am going to have to remember this one:)

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm back

Well, here I am. I was looking back at my blog and it seriously has been since Halloween since I have blogged about anything. Life sure has a way of just grabbing you and taking you right with it. As I sat down this year to do our Christmas cards, which by the way I have still not mailed out, I decided to not do a Christmas letter. I was hoping I journaled enough here that we can look back as a family and read all of what went on in our lives. Now this will not work if I leave gaps in through out the year. My goal this year is to keep caught up on this, so when I do print it out as a book I will have recorded everything in a timely manner AND accurately.

That being said I have to go through all my pictures to see what has been happening. I found this recording of Spencer. I wanted to capture him singing his ABC's. He has such a squeaky voice and is cute when he sings them. He has been singing his ABC's since he was almost 2. He started saying all the sounds to his letters at about 2 1/2. He is such an amazing kid and I love him so much.

This video will not post:( I will post it when I can figure it out.