Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New school year

We live in a year round school district. So for us that means our track gets one week between the new school years. We packed a lot in during that week (posts to come). I just wanted to post these pics of my kids on their first day of school. I can hardly believe how fast they are growing.

The sweetest 2nd grader

Our big fourth grader

The cutest kindergartner

I have so many things to post, but I have decided to try and do just one new one a day so I don't spend all day on my blog. You know how that happens! I sometimes just seem to get lost in here and can't get out!
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Candice said...

A month in to a traditional summer, I can assure you that I would kill for year round right now!!! Your kids are adorable!

reesespeanutbuttercups said...

That is the only thing I like about year round. 3 weeks into a break and I know I have only one more week left!

Lorena said...

Cute pics of your kiddos...they are adorable!