Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kissing hand

I remember when Allison started kindergarten her teacher did this. This year I decided to record it. I got most of it until my finger got to tired and stopped holding the button.
I think they do this to make all parents cry. After the story is over they have the child come to their parent and we are supposed to kiss their hand. Then we give them a hershey kiss (which was handed out earlier). After that it is our cue to leave. At that point I bend down and give him a hug and cry silently to myself. I then pull it together to give him a kiss. (You know you can't have him seeing you falling apart.) I stand up tell him to have a good day and he grabs my leg so tightly and says, "Don't leave me here mom!" I have never had a child do that. Leaving him that day was one of the hardest things I have done. I knew over time he would be okay and he was. He now goes to school everyday with a skip in his step.
Tell me, does it get harder with each one? I thought it would be easier.

Did you watch Matthew the whole time? Do you think he is going to have a hard time sitting still in school? He surely can't stay in one place very long at home!


Candice said...

He doesn't seem any wigglier than the other boys in his class. It's amazing how kids usually act better at school than at home. Did he do alright?