Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Hero

I would like to welcome Zoe Ann Swant to the world. On Wednesday, June 24th she finally made her apperance to all of her fans.

Soon after my sister in law found out she was pregnant, she told me that my brother and her would like me to be in the room during delivery. During the course of her pregnancy I jokinly told her that I would give her privacy and stay at her head. That is not how it went and to be honest I am grateful for many reasons. Watching a baby come into this world is NOTHING like bringing one into the world. I realized I took for granted all 4 times I went through this process. Beyond that I feel that my sister in law (and all those other women out there that have to push for more than a few times and labor for hours on end) are more of a woman than I could ever be. She showed such strenength and bravery. She truley is my hero. We held her legs as she continued to push for 3 hours. When Zoe finally came out it was a miracle before all of our eyes. We have been given the most amazing and powerful gift. The gift to bring life in to this world. This is one of those experiences that I hope I never forget. Not because it was amazing, but because it reminds me how lucky I am that I chose to be a woman and to have children. How lucky I am that my Heavenly Father gave me the abilty to bring life into this world. How wonderful it is to be a mom and the great responsibilty that comes with these souls that have been entrusted to us. How how very lucky I am that I married a man that does not take his part of the responsibity lightly.

Zoe is one lucky little girl. She has two of the most wonderful parents and the most amazing extended family that will love her more than she will ever know.

To my brother and his wife...thank you for allowing me to be apart of your special day. I love you both and I am so proud of you.

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