Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Calling

This post is more like a plea for help instead of documenting what is going on in our life. Back in mid December I received a a call on a Sunday morning to come and have a visit with our bishop. I am going to save everyone all the boring details, but I will say that on my way there I had a BIG hunch about the changes that were about to occur at church and for my family. Long story short I have been called as the first counselor in the primary presidency. I do have to say that I am very excited about this calling, but what you all need to know is that I am a shy, reserved and VERY NONE creative person!!!! I do love kids and to be honest I think I get along with them better than I do adults most days. (Well, except for when it comes to my own, but we aren't going there today)

So, here is my problem. Since I have been called I have been conducting. Now, this month is my month to do sharing time. AAAGGHHHH!!!! I served in the primary in my old ward for like 4 months before being asked to do something else. I have been watching ever so closely and taking all kinds of mental notes while the others were doing sharing time. You know, when I am not running around putting out fires.

Now all that said, brings me to the reason for this post. I need help and ideas. I have to do this for the next 2 Sundays, adapt it for junior and senior primary and incorporate singing time with it. Yes, I have read the Friend and been on sugardoodle. Does anyone have anyother grand ideas or places to look? I am ready for the flood gates to open for creativeness in this small pea brain of mine. Thanks ahead of time for your input. I know that we all receive callings at certain times in our lives to help us grow and learn. I have to say that this one is mine. I have been so used to getting lost in the shuffle and filling in on the callings that are hard to fill. I know that my Heavenly Father would not have asked this of me if I could not do it. I know that over time I wll get used to this. I just need a little help getting the wheels turning. :)


Mikelle said... it's the greatest website for sharing time ideas!!

Candice said...

I too believe that the Lord won't give us more than we can handle, and sometimes, gives us what we deserve! Ask Craig if he remembers how mean we 6 girls were to our Sunday School teachers growing up. I am the Sunday School teacher for 14-15 year olds. I have one kid who eats his handouts every Sunday and two girls who won't shut up. It is SO discouraging!! And yet, I take it, partly because I probably deserve it. UGH!! You will do great in the Primary Presidency. I taught Primary for two years, but don't really have any sharing time ideas. Good Luck!

nicole said...

What about the note game. Break up in 2 sides. Whoever ever is up says they can guess the song in 2 notes or 3 or so on. So you pick a couple songs and then pick them and give them to the pianist. You ask whoever how many notes they can guess the song in. Whoever gets it gets to turn over a puzzle piece. Get a church picture and blow it up and cut it up into puzzle pieces. Do you get what I'm saying. Whoever guess the song in however many notes gets to turn a puzzle piece over. WhaLa

The Taylor Family said...

Do u have any Family Home Evening lessons pre planned? I was in a Family home evening group once were we made 10 of the same lesson and then traded with the other 10 ladies in the group? The games in those are usually really cute. Dude, if u have none of those, sorry! :( Hee hee!

Fausett Family said...

I did sharing time last week and did a rendition of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader." Only I used "Are you Smarter than a Spirit Child of Heavenly Father." I used questions pertaining to the the January theme and made them harder as the age group progressed. I only do Senior Primary but for example one of my questions would be CTR 8 Math
"1 Man +1 Women Sealed in the temple with their children ="
A.A minivan load
B.My neighbors
C.A loud group
D.An Eternal Family
Something harder was Valiant 11 Science
"What "world" did we live in before we came to Earth?"
A: Premortal
I think Junior Primary questions could be really easy.
Hope that helps.
I also did a Tic Tac Toe game with questions dividing the primary in half. Have 3 people stand 3 people sit on chairs and 3 kneeling or sitting on the ground.They each have a cardstock paper with either an O on one side and an X on the other. As they take turns answering questions they try and get tic tac toe. Again the questions can be about the months theme.
I know this month is on coming to a Family and you can talk about how each person is important to the family. Then have a bag with things that would represent each member of a family. Such as, an apron for a mom, a baseball cap for a brother, a doll for a sister, a pair of glasses for a grandma. Have a child pull out an item and tell who it would belong to and why they are essential to the Family.
Sorry this is so long. Just start perusing the internet. There are other websites out there. Good Luck!

Fausett Family said...

Oh yeah also, look through the back of the lessons in the manuals. Some of those Enrichment Activities can be turned into sharing times. Just a thought.

The Reed Family said...

My advice would be not to stress too much. You don't have to go overboard, the kids will enjoy it no matter what. Some sharing times will be better than others. BUt do'nt compare yours to the other leader, you have something unique to offer that the other leaders don't and vice versa! If you have any sort of activity to keep their attention you should be good...little kids love to color!!
You'll do great!!