Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Walk to school day

Today was walk to school day and as usual I was accompanied by an army of kids. People ALWAYS look at me and smile or snicker. I just wisj I knew ALL that was going on in their head. Well, maybe I shouldn't know what they are thinking. Anyway I had my five plus 2 and then another joined us half, that makes 8. We had fun and it is always an adventure with us!

Yes I know I am minus one in the picture, but he was to excited to go get the treats for all the walkers.


Fausett Family said...

We love to walk to school. We do almost every day. I walk with my neighbor and her 2 kids and she babysits a newborn. We end up with another 3 kids from two houses down and we get those same looks. We had someone ask if they were all ours once. At least for us we could say NO! I'm sure those same looks will increase as I start to show more.

The Fisher Family said...

I tried walking to school once. By the time we got there the bell was about to ring and I was hot and stressed. Apparently the school is farther than I thought.

Lorena said...

Walk to school day was a fun day indeed!:-)Cute picture!