Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is it me....or them???

So on days like this, or for that matter days in a row like this I have to sit back and wonder if the problem is me or them. Five against one is really unbalanced. I'm not really sure how much more screaming, fighting, hitting, bitting, running, destroying, teasing, complaining (do you get the picture?) I can take. I have to think is it because we are coming closer to the end of off track (7 more days!) or am I really losing control of my children. I thought that I have done a pretty good job at keeping them busy and occupied. We have gone to the movies at least once or twice a week, parks, vacation, beach, play dates, swimming, shopping, played games at home, art projects, off track homework, reading, the list goes on. Not a day has gone by that I have not entertained my children in some shape or form and they still seem like they have all this energy that they don't know what to do with it. It is like they all have a meeting before mom comes out in the morning and they try to figure out what shade of red they are going to make my face today. UGHHH!!! When do they all get to go to school ALL day??? What was that, did you say 3 more years???? I am so ready for more than a few hours of quiet time...ME time. Does that happen though or do you just fill your days with things that you never had a chance to do in the first place? Craig seems to think I am going to be terribly bored and that maybe I should get a part time job. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Bored, well maybe at first, but the possibilities are endless. I guess that says it...NO MORE kids for us. The crib is gone we are done, mom is D-O-N-E! Okay, please don't take me wrong. I love my kids and I love staying home with them, but the last few days have been particularly difficult. It really doesn't help that I am sleep deprived, for me at least. I know that these precious few years will go by to fast, but I think I am okay if days like these just fly by. The good with the bad, right? I am very grateful for each one of my children and for all that they teach me. I think it has been patience and self control that we have been working on, but I guess I needed it. I probably still do. Sorry for the rant. I am feeling a little better now. On to dinner. So what is the verdict...is it me or them?


Candice said...

I have totally had those days. I still have those days, but, it is SO GREAT to have them all in school all day. I read and shop and have lunch with girlfriends and exercise without people watching and eat whatever I want whenever I want. It is heaven and you can make it!!

Lorena said...

Just breathe! We all "mom's" have been there! (BELIEVE ME) You probably have heard that "someday" you will miss the chaos (MAYBE RIGHT?) and you will enjoy a 9am - 3:30 pm break in about 3 years!(YOU CAN DO IT!) :-)

The Reed Family said...

ANybody who says they don't have days like these is lying! Everyone does and that's the beauty of it...we can all share our experiences and know that we aren't bad moms we just have bad days. We are dealing right now with Hunter crying for anything that Carter has and then Carter hitting him to get away. So what to do...punish Carter for hitting when he was just trying to play alone for five minutes without his little brother stealing his toy...it's quite the dilemma! Keep up the good work and the all day everyday at school thing will be here before you know it!

Fausett Family said...

One such day I was losing my mind with all those things and in the middle of it all I just let out the loudest scream. Total silence fell on the room. My older kids looked at me like she finally has lost it. They did behave better the rest of the day because they didn't want that to happen again. I think it put them into shock and they didn't want Mom sent to the looney bin!!

The Snow Queen said...

trisha is right. I found when I was teaching that a carefully planned fit (throwing things, screaming, crying, or slamming doors)doesn more good than one might think. It keeps them off balance. They aren't sure if you are losing it or if it's already gone. They think am I in danger or not, they seem to sense the change in mom. In the movie The Green Mile there's a line that says, "his cheese done slid right off the cracker." There might be something to that. Or you could just hide in the bathroom until Craig comes home. Be sure to block the crack underneath or they'll send messages in there too.

The Taylor Family said...

Amen Sista!!!!! It is them, for they are all against us mothers!!! Ha ha!

Becky said...

I don't think the news is good...it is both! Days like that seem to come more frequently than not and unfortunately, it's the Lord's way of "testing" us and helping us grow! Doesn't make it any less frustrating. However, remember this...they love you...you love them and some days, things aren't going to work out the way you want them to. So, start tomorrow and make it better...
Kids are HARD! And often, we don't know what the Lord was thinking in giving us one, let alone 4 or 5. Just remember, the Lord doesn't make mistakes and as many as I make on a regular basis, I know there is something they must be getting from me being their mom. You (we all) were chosen. Have faith in that!

PS: Ranting is good, and healthy! Don't stop! ;-)

Suzy Fackrell said...

I SO know how you feel! Amen sister. I have been feeling more done everyday. I think that is all for me too! I think you are amazing and I love that you are so real! We all need to hear that in the blogging world sometimes. Everyone seems too perfect, am I right?
I got your blog off of Melissa's. Hope you don't mind!