Monday, July 14, 2008

Where's Spencer???

So the kids came home from school and we were at the table doing homework. When that was all over I thought I should go out and water the garden. As I am finishing up and start walking towards the house I look up and see that 4 of our 5 kids are outside. Now what made me think this is an odd site is the fact that Spencer is so quick to follow anybody and every body because he is not going to miss out on what is happening. So, I immediately think this just can't be good. In the house I go looking for him. I turn to go down the hall and see that his bedroom door is closed. I slowly open it and this is what I see...

He had climbed up on his changing table to go to sleep. I guess he was tired. All I could think was thank goodness I don't have clean up another mischievous mess!

I have been wanting to post pictures of our garden. This is our first time growing something other than tomatoes and basil. Craig built 6 boxes and then we started planting everything under the sun. The first one is all herbs taken over by basil! The next one is filled with many different types of tomatoes. Matthew and Eli sit there and wait patiently until one turns red and then they pick and eat it!

Here are the 3 on the left. The first one has cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew. We have learned our lesson. These need more room than a box altogether. Oh, and learn. The next one has carrots, green beans, eggplant, all kinds of peppers and another tomato plant. Craig wanted to make sure we had enough tomatoes for the boys. The last one is filled with corn. Craig really got into this. Suddenly he started coming home with even more plants. I said where on earth are we going to put all these. He decided to clear a section on the hill for more strawberries, another watermelon, some kind of squash, and we have turnips and onions coming up. Turnips...who eats turnips????

Here is the last box on the right with zucchini and cucumbers.

This is another day he came home with more stuff. More green beans, because he wanted bush and pole beans, MORE corn and I can't even remember the other plant. I guess we will find out when it starts producing. I am actually very proud of my husband. This has been a big dream of ours and now we are putting it into action. I think I need to keep a close eye on him though, he may just start taking out our newly laid grass to make more room for what he brings home next!


hanesville said...

Wow! What an amazing garden!

Candice said...

Your boxes look amazing! Just a tip, cantaloupe and honeydew cross polinate. Last year we had honeydew that was green on the outside but orange and tasted like cantaloupe/honeydew on the inside. I asked Jim once why we were killing ourselves planting and weeding our garden (I was hot and dirty and said it in a very whiny voice) and he looked up and calmly said, well, because the prophet told us to. So simple. I try not to whine too much now!

Lorena said...

That is awesome! I love your garden!
Maybe someday I will be able to plant one?!!:-)Oh by the way Cass wants Allison to come over and swim. Let me know what day works for you!

Nat said...

I wish I had the patiences to plant a garden.


Robertsons said...

i dont have the brain power to plant a garden

The Snow Queen said...

You are so "green"! The tree huggers in Oregon would be proud. Totally organic and not using up all the oil in the world to go buy it at the grocery. As for me and my house we will kill the planet at least for one more season. Maybe next summer I will garden.

Fausett Family said...

You guys are awesome. I was just at Stephanie's house and we ate food from her garden too. She said she had seen you the other day and I told her I keep up with you through your blog. Gardens here don't seem to last too long, at least I haven't had a lot of luck at growing much. Maybe it has something to do with the heat and lack of water. Go figure!!

The Taylor Family said...

Your garden looks amazing! Oh my gosh! You go girl! Where do you get all this time? Cooking,cleaning, being crafty and gardening?????? Really!