Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dancing Diva

Well, here she little dancing diva. (I guess we will have to see)

I have had this inner struggle for some time about putting her in dance. I'm not sure why, but I decided she is my only girl so live it up!!! She was a little nervous, but after she saw her leotard she was all grins. Something in me has sparked and I just can't wait for the recital next June!

*On a side note. Craig came home last night and we were talking about what we need to get Zach for baseball. (We signed him up for winter ball) I then pulled him aside and very excitedly (is that a word?) showed him her little outfit. He looked at it and said two things: "Isn't that a little small" and "Will she be wearing a long sleeve leotard underneath?" Oh boy, is he in for it!!!!
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Candice said...


Fausett Family said...

At least he is thinking about modesty. My soon to be 9 year old already has a crush on 3 different boys. I was hoping that little trait wouldn't be passed on from mother to daughter.(For ex. having a boyfriend in Kindergarten named Craig) Allison looks so grown up in her dance outfit.

We have that same storybook reader (last post). I love that thing. My son loves when it says it needs new batteries. He walks around coping the voice. We have a hard time finding new books for it though.