Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FHE fun

Last night for family home evening we talked about being prepared. We told the kids that their was a fire and we had to be out of our house in 10 min. They had to get everything they felt they needed and that was important to them. Check out Matthew in the background. After the 10 min. was up we all compred what we had and if it was important or not. Everyone, but Matthew grabbed their pillows. He wanted to go back and get it. Of course dad said no it has already burned. Poor Matthew thoght it was real and was so upset!

Do you see everything Zach grabbed? He was persistant that he would be able to carry ALL of it!
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Candice said...

That is hilarious! We asked Christopher once what he should do if there was a fire, instead of saying "run out of the house to a neighbors", he said "I'll grab the 72 hour kits!" We have our 72 hour kits in a large rolling suitcase that is twice the size of him. We told him to forget the 72 hour kits and save himself first!!

Chris said...

Spencer (5) keeps asking when we can use the "emergency bags" and is always asking if it is time ie when we are going on a trip to the beach or something. He is very excited to use them. I should do the same thing one day and fake an emergency so the little guy can use the 72 hour kits.

Fausett Family said...

Nicole are you concerned the "fire" will not be cleaned up? I don't know if the vacumn next to Allison would be my first choice. It might also be a little hard to lug around.:)