Friday, May 22, 2009

Major breakthrough

We just had a major breakthrough in our home that is VERY worthy of blogging and bragging about. After 3 long and grueling weeks of potty training we just went poop in the potty!!!!! Not even a skid mark in the underwear. I don't think I can even contain myself. I am ready to throw a big party here. The best part is he did it all by himself. I sent him to the bathroom because I could see that he had leaked a little. I thought to myself, "I'm just going to leave him in there for awhile and he can just think about it. By the time I got in there he had gotten onto the toilet and done his business all by himself! Go Spencer!!!

Today is a good day! :)


Christina said...

Love all the posts and pics! You guys are so cute!

The Reed Family said...

Why does it always take longer? It took Hunter about a week. He has had a couple accidents since, but we moms deserve a lot of credit. Jim had to deal with an accident the other day, or should I say he called me for help. Apparently swirling isn't his thing. (I threw them away that time they were just too gross!!)
Yeah for progress Nicole!!

Nat said...

Oh, Happy Day!! That is great news!!

Lorena said...


The Snow Queen said...

Nice. I love poop when it is put in it's proper place... the toilet!

Fausett Family said...

I am happy for YOU and also for Spencer. I can feel your pain. Rex is taking his own sweet time on this one. We have really good days and very bad ones. He has yet to figure out how to tell me when he needs to go so it's me constantly asking him. He now refuses to wear diapers but I'm getting sick of cleaning up the mess.
BTW: I don't swirl. They go straight to the trash.