Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Better late than never right? Here is a bunch of pictures form Easter. We had our ward egg hunt the week before, and then Easter dinner over at Grandma Nana's house Easter Sunday. As I type this I am trying to remember that far back.

Here is a quick synopsis: We have been off track for the whole month of April. The first week was filled with fun. We had play dates and went to Disneyland. AND THEN it hit....THE FLU!!!! It started with Allison and creeped it's way through our house. It seriously took the next 2 weeks for it to finish it's cycle in our home. Then the week before Easter my aunt passed away and her funeral was the day before Easter. The funeral was all the way up by Fresno. Craig had to work, so I packed up my kids (very early Sat. morning) and drove to my brother's house in LA to pick him and his wife up. He drove the rest of the way up there for me while I took care of the kids in the back. Thank you so much!!!! Anyway, on the way home Eli started to say he didn't feel very well (he was the only one of the kids who had not gotten sick yet) and I was starting to fell yucky! We did make it home, but I did not make it throught the night. Needless to say We missed the first part of church Easter Sunday. Poor Eli wound up getting sick that Monday. Phew, that is it and we were all done getting sick!

I digress, so here are the many pictures of the egg hint and Easter sunday: