Saturday, December 27, 2008


I am feeling horrible that I never did a post for Thanksgiving. Of course now it is a little blurry, but I will give it my best. Cathy, my mother in law, hosted thanksgiving this year. I have to say that is the first thing I am thankful for. How nice it was to not have to scrub and clean my house before, cook, and then scrub and clean after. Thanks Cathy! I decided to have a small family birthday for Eli that day. There was family there that usually can not make it for these things, so I thought it would be nice for him. I made him turkey cupcakes for the day. Side note: Aunt Jacque decorated them because I was so far behind in everything else! Thank you...they turned out cute! That was another fun surprise. Jacque and Jennie came from Oregon for the weekend. They stayed with us and the kids just loved it!!!

After all the fun festivities we came home to take a nap. Why is that you ask? We thought it would be fun to go shopping at 11pm to get the deals. We shopped until we dropped and got home at 4am! Just look at how beautiful we look in this picture! We had fun and I am still so excited that they came down for a visit and shopped with me!