Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The last few mornings Spencer has been a litlle out of character. Yesterday morning Craig was standing by the door getting ready to go. I was sitting at the computer and could hear Spencer mumbling something. It wasn't until Craig walked back to the bedroom that I understood what he was mumbling. He kept saying over and over, "I going to work daddy". You have to know that it was in that cute little whiny voice too.(not all the time is that voice cute, but yesterday it was) Craig knelt down and told him he loved him, gave him a hug and a kiss and as best he could told him not today, buddy. Oh, that broke his heart. He stood at the door and watched Craig pull away in hysterics yelling, "I want my daddy. I go to work with daddy". That would have broken my heart if I had to go with my baby yelling for me. Nothing would console him. Not mommy OR his teddy bear. He just stood there in the door way crying for his daddy. He wouldn't even let me close the door. I ran to snap a picture, but he turned to look at me. If you could see his face you would see how very sad he was.


Candice said...

That is so sweet!

The Reed Family said...

If only they really could take them to work with them sometimes... :) what a sweet little boy

Fausett Family said...

It is so sad to see them cry for their Daddy. I am actually relieved that Ben recently changed his work schedule, so he is gone a little after 6am. The kids used to cry at the door every morning asking if it was Saturday. Now they are usually asleep and it also means he is home around 4:30pm. I love it.