Thursday, September 11, 2008


UGHHH! It posted the pictures first and I don't know how to fix that. So, you get pictures know and explanation later.

Allison and her friend posing for a picture.

Allison after all the first grade classes sang the Star Spangled Banner.

In honor of 9/11 every year our school does a little program. Each year I go and watch with goose bumps on my skin and tears in my eyes Enas the classes take their turns singing their songs. I didn't think to get Allison's class on my camera, but I did get part of Zach's and it really hit home. You can hear it for yourself.

I think that sums it up.


Candice said...

That is so sweet! What a great memorial, especially when most of those children were too small to remember 9/11.

Greg and Shellie Lomenick said...

That's just so sweet.

Lorena said...

It was a very nice Patriots program!

smiths5 said...

Nicole, I found you! I'm so glad you posted this video. I couldn't make it this year and was so sad we had to miss. What a sweet song!

Christina said...

Oh, I wish I had gone! Thanks for posting the video...Spencer is in the corner!