Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why me???

I'm just gonna tell you up front that I am saving you all the from having to look at the picture. So, I have this friend that could give you a poop story on demand. Ever since she became a mom 8 years ago she has been dealing with poop. We're not talkin' diaper chaning poop, but poop in pants and poop anywhere and everywhere. She would call me, and still does, with the latest "poop event". All I can ever say is I am so sorry and you will be rewarded for this some day, I PROMISE!!! Well, apparently it has rubbed off in my home. Matthew has inherited this poop problem. Yesterday he decided to wipe his own bum, I know very considerate, with my hand towel! I then turned to see it smeared on the floor, the sink and the cabinets in that bathroom. It took me awhile to disinfect that bathroom and all the while I am thinking,"THIS IS SOOOO GROSS." So today I walked into the same bathroom and find that he has gone to the bathroom again and tried again to clean himself up. This time though, he chose to do it with the whole roll of toilet paper and then put it all in the toilet. I'm thinking okay this is fixable. I then continue on doing my morning pick up to find that he walked himself into Spencer's room WITH his poopy bum and opened all the wipes and wiped himself with about 10 different wipes and threw them on the floor. UGHHH!!! So, I clean that up and off we go to take Allison to school. We are getting out of the car and he proudly exclaims, "Mom, I pooped in the backyard!!" With the best" I am not going to show you how mad I am face" I ask him to show me where. He prances right over to the very spot and viola, poop! I don't think I need to tell you how GROSS it is to pick up your own kids poop! I just don't get it. He knows how to use the toilet. He has actually known for a very long time. Suddenly he is doing stuff like this. I guess he felt that I did not have enough to do around here and that I needed a little more excitement in my life. Sorry for the gross commentary, but I hope everyone out there is thinking I know exactly what you are going through. And if you are thinking I am so sorry you have to deal with that, STOP, because that is what I thought and now I am!!!


The Reed Family said...

I think I might know who the other mom victim of poop! I feel for both of you and I agree that 'poop' is one of the most disgusting things to deal with ever!

Nat said...

That just stinks about you day. I have a friend that had to deal with this same problem when her husband was deployed. She found poop on dirty clothes hiding in her sons closet. Everytime she walked into the room she could not find where the smell was coming from. Then one day she went to hang up some clean clothes and some coats and opened the closet door. She almost fell over!

All I can think of is this should be just a phase?! Sorry, I have no words of comfort for you. I do hope this stops soon.

Fausett Family said...

Why do kids think touching their poop is so cool. I only had to clean up poop once and that was when Rex smeared it all over his bed and wall. The fun of being a Mom.

Candice said...

I'll tell you what made our son stop, we made him clean it all up while we watched and gave only verbal help. He was so grossed out that he never did it again. I don't know if it will work for you, but it did for us! Good Luck! I totally sympathize!

Lorena said...

I am speechless...all I can say is I wish you lots of patience and this too shall pass soon(I hope)love ya,:-)

The Taylor Family said...

That is too funny! I have not yet experienced that and I must say that I hope we just skip that phase all together! But I do have to chenge a 5 year old butt! YUCK!!! Hopefully one day Gavin j will be potty trained! I think though that Brynn might beat him to it! Good luck!

Becky said...

How funny! I'm sorry. It makes me feel so much better. My son Landon is in potty training mode and it's exhausting. 1 step forward 4 steps back. Anyway, it's just a phase. Just keep reminding him until he gets back in the habit. I this point, I think every kid is entirely too different to make a blanket statement. Good Luck!