Sunday, April 4, 2010

American girl

I was introduced to something by my sister in law. She about fell off her seat last June when she found out I had no idea what an American girl doll or store was. When I went out to LA to visit after she had her baby my brother and her took me into the store and insisted that I make sure my daughter has this experience. You have to know a little background about me. I usually boy cot anything that is "big time" marketed and is SUPER expensive. Yea I know BORING mom! I did have this thought while in that store. I thought, "This is it. I'm not going to have another girl. Live it up!" So for Christmas Allison asked Santa for an American girl doll. She got almost that. He brought her an empty doll box with a gift card and letter stating that he thought it would be more fun for her to go to the store and pick out her very own doll and have lunch there. So we did just that. We invited her aunts and girl cousins and off we went. We went through the whole store ever so carefully while we painstakingly tried to pick out a doll. Then we had lunch there. If you have never done this, it is an experience in it self. They have little table side "high chairs" for these dolls and their very own dishes. The menu is so cute. It's like having a tea party. Every little girls dream! (Although Aunt Emily was in heaven too, I think) We did decide that we will have to do this more than once, especially when the babies get older. Thank you ladies for the fun time. Definitely a day to remember forever.


Emily said...

This was such a fun day! And yes, I was in little girl heaven!! I can't wait until Zoe is old enough!

Amber said...

I don't have any girls, and even I know what American girl dolls are! :)

Fausett Family said...

I too don't give into the hype of over priced toys and yet like you this year for Christmas Elena got an American Girl doll. It was literally the only thing she asked for and she loves it. Besides she is getting harder and harder to shop for as she enters these tween years. By the way the clothes for the knock off dolls at Target and Walmart fit the dolls. It is way cheaper for her to get a new wardrobe.