Here is a bunch of random things that I have been meaning to post, but just not enough time to do it. The first is about a month ago Craig and the kids finished laying our sod. Yes, if you remember back he laid the bulk of it 1 1/2 years ago. He thought he bought enough to go around the basketball court and soon found out he was short. So, we sat there looking at it thinking maybe we don't want grass there, but what else do you do with it? I finally said I could not go another summer with the kids plying in that mud. So, being the good husband that he is he got up very early one Sat. morning (he is NOT a morning person) went to Home Depot and bought it! By the time I made it to the kitchen this is what I found.
He put all the kids to work pulling weeds. He suddenly remembered how he was always pulling weeds or doing yard work when he was a kid and decided our kids were not going to get off that easy!
This is Allison's first grade rain forest mobile. We had one for Zach two years ago and I knew this one was coming. I had all year to think about it! For those of you who know me well, you know that I do not have a creative bone in my body. I am a copy cat. I got smart this year at open house...I took pictures of all the others to give me ideas for when Matthew hits first grade! Anyway I was very proud of how it turned out. Definetly a step up from Zach's.
Just a cute picture of Spencer and his friend Lawson. They would play peek-a-boo like this at the baseball games.
We had to pull weeds a lot too! Our kids definitely have it easier. They still pull weeds, but I am not as vigilant as my mother was. The sod looks wonderful!
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