Monday, May 11, 2009

He has said it again!!!

Spencer is just on a roll with great stuff to say. So, I have been potty training him and let me tell you the last one is KILLING me. I have NEVER had to swirl underwear in a toilet. SO GROSS!!! After doing this for two weeks I am done. This afternoon he just kept ripping one right after another. (I surely hope you all know what I am talking about) Anyway I asked him if he had to go poop. Of course he said no. To which I replied yes you do because you keep tooting. So I made him sit on the toilet for a long time hoping gravity would take over. No such luck.

Fast forward to just a few minutes ago while brushing his teeth. It is just the two of us in the bathroom and my stomach has just been in knots. I decide that it is just the two of us and how would he even know where the sound is about to come from anyway? So I let it rip. (Yes, I am admitting to the world that I am human too). Anyway he looks at me and says, "Mom, you just tooted. You need to go potty.

I just love kids!


Lorena said...

LOL..... :-)
That was stinkin cute!

Candice said...

LOL! I got so sick of dry heaving while swishing underwear in the toilet that one day I made my son wash out his own underwear. Of course, being his mother's son, he was dry heaving too, but he stopped going in his underwear after that!

The Reed Family said...

I am so glad you posted that because i needed to end my night with a BIG laugh! Thanks and good luck with the swirling! (the other day I threw some underwear away...they were so gross and I just didn't have it in me!) By the way did you know my sister is just loving hearing all of our potty training stories and laughing. Guess what, we'll be done soon and she'll just be starting. Aiden can't stay in diapers forever, or can he? If it were up to Tricia he would, I don't know why though it's not like her kids have ever given her a hard time. :)

Greg and Shellie Lomenick said...

I can't believe that you toot!