Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The song is called what?

So a while ago our primary had a talent show. I of course asked my friends what their children were doing because mine were to shy to do something. A few of them were getting their kids together to sing the bubble gum song. The what? You know THE bubble gum song! I'm thinking is this some primary song that I haven't heard of? So, fast forward a few months and I discover that my friend has this song on her blog. I listen to it and I had no idea it was a rap song. I have no idea who Bazooka Joe is, but I guess I was surprised because it was rap. Fast forward to yesterday. We are in the car and Eli is in the way back singing the bubble gum song. Surprised, I ask him where did he hear it? He pauses to answer because he thinks he has done something wrong, but then said Mrs. Hyatt hid pre school teacher) sings it to us. (Side note, I don't think she raps, but then again maybe she does;) Okay, then. I tell him I know where to find the song when we get home so he can hear it. I go to my friends blog and the kids just LOVED hearing this song. So here they are dancing to it. Just in case you want to hear it, it is on my playlist now, too.


Greg and Shellie Lomenick said...

What in the world? I've never heard of that song before. That's hillarious.

Christina said...

I should rap it, shouldn't I? This is a Girl Scout song originally, I think. It has been a pre-school favorite for years! Love the video. Your kids are awesome.